Skip The Stuff

Sustainability in Action: Ithaca’s Path to #SkipTheStuff

Skip the Stuff is a simple, common sense law that requires food establishments to offer utensils, condiments, napkins, etc. only upon customers’ request. It will help save money to businesses and it will help the environment.

See our policy brief for Tompkins County, created with the support from Chart Reuse and Upstream Solutions.

We are pursuing the model bill, recommended by the non-profit Beyond Plastics.

On June 22, 2023, we invited Raine Manley from NRDC in New York City to speak at the PEEQ Committee of the Tompkins County Legislature. She discussed the highly successful Skip the Stuff legislative campaign she spearheaded in New York City. Our goal is to replicate this legislation in Tompkins County, thereby contributing to a statewide effort for its implementation.

Survey Results

In December 2023 – January 2024, We conducted a survey with a few local businesses to gauge the ‘temperature’, so to speak, for the anticipated local law, Skip the Stuff. This was done in collaboration with Chart Reuse from Upstream Solutions and with the support of the community members, especially Reid Fleishmann, a Cornell Information Sciences student. He double-checked the Chart Reuse’ numbers for accuracy. We also want to express our gratitude to Reid for his amazing work on the Cornell campus to reduce waste. Check out the results of the survey below.

We discovered some eye-opening statistics that shed light on the environmental impact of single-use foodware accessories in Tompkins County. Here is some key data from the Skip The Stuff campaign: 

  • Approximately 54 million single-use foodware accessories will be used in Tompkins County within one year.
  • This results in 650 tons of CO2e emissions annually.
  • Nearly 350 tons of disposable foodware accessories are sent to the landfill each year.

To showcase the potential impact of reducing single-use accessories, we created different scenarios:

  • In a 100% scenario where all foodware accessories are avoided, Tompkins County could avoid 650 tons of CO2e emissions annually.
  • In a 25% scenario, where only 25% of customers request foodware accessories, Tompkins County could avoid 486 tons of CO2e emissions, equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 7,292 tree seedlings grown for 10 years.

These numbers highlight the environmental impact of our everyday choices. 

Financial Implications:

Furthermore, when considering the financial implications, it becomes evident that our efforts have the potential to create a significant positive change. Collectively, Tompkins County businesses currently spend approximately $820,000 on disposable foodware accessories each year, amounting to almost $3,000 per business annually. By reducing single-use accessories, businesses could save a substantial amount of money that could be reinvested in sustainable practices or other important initiatives.

We want to thank five Ithaca-based businesses who helped us with the data for this survey, each representing a different business category: Ithaca Beer Co, Tacos CDMX, khmer Angkor, Forty Weight Coffee Roasters, and Cup O Jo Cafe. These findings would apply to the 289 businesses within Tompkins County, assuming an equal distribution across the business categories.

Through our Skip The Stuff campaign, we aim to raise awareness, inspire positive behavioral change, and urge businesses and individuals to adopt more sustainable practices. Together, we can make a difference and create a healthier, more sustainable future for our community.

Join the Program!

Even before any bill introduction, we are encouraging businesses to join Zero Waste Ithaca’s voluntary Skip the Stuff program. Our goal is to build excitement within the community and prepare them for Skip the Stuff, without waiting for local government intervention. By raising awareness among businesses and Ithaca customers, we hope to lay the groundwork for future legislation .

Reflecting our successful BYO sticker initiative, we invite businesses to display stickers that say “Skip the Stuff,” signaling to customers that your business won’t burden them with unnecessary utensils and other accessories with their takeout. This signals to their customers that businesses are mindful of waste reduction and sustainability.

Participating businesses will be featured on our social media channels, and they will also be listed on our Ithaca Reduces map. We will stay in touch with the businesses to support their journey toward the aspiration of Zero Waste. The first Skip the Stuff business in Ithaca is Forty Weight Coffee Roasters housed in Cascadilla Store of Greenstar Co-op. 

If you are interested in joining the program, please contact us at

Please contact your representative by both phone and email to express your support for the Skip the Stuff legislation. Please find here the contact information for your local representatives for Tompkins County Legislature.

Look for Skip the Stuff – Ithaca Reduces stickers for participating businesses, designed by a local artist, Susanne Jensen.

Updated: March 31, 2024

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